Git Bloggin'


Version control is something that keeps track of the changes you make to a specific file. This was created in order to make it easier for developers to work and collaborate on a project together.

Git is a version control system thats built into your computer. This allows you and other developers access to track all types of changes. Git first puts the file in Tracked or Untracked. From here if the file is tracked its goes into Unmodified, Modified and Staged. From this location you can track each step it takes throughout workflow.

The largest benefit of storing code inside Github is being able to easily collaborate and share code with other developers. Whether they be part of a project or helping you better a program through open-source. It also allows you to easily edit work from a text editor such as Sublime text. With this process and the use of a terminal you can easily pull and push projects in a matter of minutes. Github is also very resourceful with numerous files built to help you use their site as well as other programs.
